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Accessible Form


To update an HTML form to be fully accessible.


Open the Goats' R Us webpage from last week. Go to the orderCheese.html page. An order form has already been created, with multiple fieldsets to group related content.

1. No Axe errors and no accessibility issues

  • Note: If you are running the website through localhost, you may have Axe errors unrelated to the web page. Some password management extensions or other "add-ons" may cause errors, which you can ignore.

  • ❗ Remember: Not all accessibility issues are identified with Axe.

2. No HTML validation errors.

3. Required fields

  • Each form field in the "Your Details" section is required.

  • Although it would make sense to have required fields elsewhere in the form, this is not required for this assignment as you would need to incorporate JavaScript.

  • Update the "Learn More" link to be fully accessible.

  • You will need to review last week's lecture for information about improving this link. There are multiple ways to accomplish this.


  1. Open the Week 14 folder in Blackboard

  2. Click on the Accessible Form submission link.

  3. Compress (zip) the entire Goats 'R Us website and submit it to the Blackboard submission link.

  4. Click Submit.

Grading Criteria

Points Possible: 4

  • No Accessibility issues, including no Axe errors or other accessibility issues. (1 pt.)

  • Correct and valid HTML (1 pt.)

  • Required fields are handled appropriately (1 pt.)

  • The external link is accessible. There is more than one acceptable solution for this! (1 pt.)