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User Scenario

Group Assignment
Figma Design


Learn what user scenarios are in UX design and why they are important. Develop one user scenario for your project website.


  1. Review the following article about user scenarios:
  2. In Figma, double-click on your Project 1 Design file.
  3. Click on the 05. User Scenario page.
  4. Choose one of your user personas for Project 1 and write a user scenario for your website’s key task (refer to Project 1 - Project Team Websites for your key task.


  1. Export the completed User Scenario as a PDF from Figma.
  2. Open the Week 4 folder in Blackboard
  3. Click on the User Scenario submission link.
  4. Under Attach Files, click the Browse Local Files to find, select and upload your PDF document.
  5. Click Submit.

Grading Criteria

Points Possible: 4

  • Detail The user scenario is detailed and extensive enough to describe the personas needs, wishes, concerns, and motivations. (3 pts)

  • Value Scenario adds understanding and empathy for this persona in the context of the website's purpose. (1 pt)