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Persona Reflection



Reflect on the process of developing a user persona, including sharing with the class positive outcomes, potential user bias, research materials, and ideas for additional ways to build user empathy.


  1. Open the Figma Application (either in the browser or on your computer).
  2. Click on the Weekly Activities Figma project.
  3. Double-click to open the ✅ Week 3:Persona Reflection FigJam file.
  4. Follow the instructions in FigJam to complete the activity.


  1. Open the Week 3 folder in Blackboard
  2. Click on the Persona Reflection (FigJam) submission link.
  3. In the Comments box, type Done.
  4. Click Submit.

Grading Criteria

Points Possible: 4

  • At least one sticky note was posted for what went well during the persona-building process. Posting demonstrates a thoughtful analysis of the person-building process.

  • One research artifact (article, website, video, podcast, etc.) was shared with a short explanation of the value it provided.

  • Post thoroughly reflects on whether bias is still evident in the persona. If bias is found, a remedy for removing it is identified.

  • At least one idea was shared. A serious effort was made to research and explore other methods of empathy building. Ideas were not copied exactly from other students.

UX is People